Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Installation of OBIEE 11g invloves 4 steps and Pre-requisites for Installing OBIEE 11g

Installation of OBIEE invloves 4 steps:
1) Installation of Loopback adopter
2) Installation of database
3) Installation of RCU (Repository Creation Utility)
4) Installation of OBIEE software

Pre-requisites for Installing OBIEE 11g

Pre installation Steps in Windows 7
1) Java:
Ensure java jdk( V 1.6 and above ) is installed.
Point to Note
Jdk should be installed in a folder without space, say like "C:/Java/"
DONT install java in "C:/Program Files/Java"; the reason is that the Space(" ") between the  word "Program files" will cause error while installing OBIEEv11g
IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED JAVA under "PROGRAM FILES" Uninstall it and Reinstall the same
After Installation:
Add JAVA_HOME in your environment variables.
In Windows7, Right Click "My Computer"-> Properties->Advanced tab ->Environment Variables
Click the New button and add VARIABLE NAME as "JAVA_HOME" and variable path as
If you have installed java in "C:/" use "C:/JAVA/JDK;" path variable

2) In Windows, Install Loopback adapter, Follow the below link to install the loopback adapter in windows 7.
After Installation:
You will see a network icon in systray. Click on that and go to "Open Network Connection" Click
on the installed Loopback Adapter Properties and Under General Tab,
Click on the Internet Protocal Ip4 and Click on the properties.
IN the PopUp under General tab give for IP Address and for subnet mask provide
You can give any IP address here. But Oracle follows Lets religiously follow what Oracle does ;)
Adding This Static IP to your windows Host
Start->search for Notepad-> RIght click and open as Administrator
Once you are in Open the following file "C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts" Add the following at the end of file : localhost
Save & Close the file.
This Step is important because after obiee11g installation we would access the url by "<port>/analytics"
We are installing loopback adapter to create a static IP rather than to Create a dynamic IP which would keep changing whenever you connect to your ISP.
3) Install Oracle Database
You can either go for oracle 10g or 11g. Any database is fine, But its recommended to use oracle
11g DB to realise the full potential features of Database and OBIEE.
Note: While Installing Please provide the AL32UTF8 Unicode Character set. Else while installing
RCU below error will be shown :
"The database you are connecting is with non-AL32UTF8 Character set. oracle strongly
recommends using of AL32UTF8 as database character set."
4) Download & Install Repository Creation Utility - RCU

5) After all these steps; OBIEE 11g should be installed

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