Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Install OBIEE11g samples from OTN

Download the Sample Application from

SampleApp V107 Install Files


Link to deployment guide:-


Restoring Database Dumps
In this section, we will use Oracle data pump to import the definition and data for several database schemas. If any of these schemas exist, they must be dropped before you begin the import. In case they cannot be dropped, the schemas may be imported into different schema names using schema mapping options available for impdp command. If the schema names and/or passwords are changed, it will require additional corrections and configurations in SampleApp RPD.

Schema Password Remarks

BISAMPLE BISAMPLE Main schema that houses data for SampleApp analyses
OBIEE_NAVTEQ obiee_navteq NAVTEQ copyrighted data used for map views
BIFOD BIFOD OLTP 3NF model for FOD (Oracle Fusion Order Demo) data model.
BPM (SOA) Business Process Monitoring model to show how BIEE semantic
layer can deliver analytics on BPM context
DEV_ODI_REPO DEV_ODI_REPO This supports the SampleApp Oracle Data Integrator content
ODI_STAGING ODI_STAGING This supports the SampleApp Oracle Data Integrator content

From you SampleApp installation files, copy \DataSources\ORCL\SASCHEMAS.dmp file to the machine where Oracle
database 11gR2 is up and running
Unzip this file to a folder on the database server, say “C:\datapump\”
Connect to database using a sysdba user and create a directory object to import the database dump. Change the data
base connection parameters (highlighted in red) to reflect your connection settings.
sqlplus "sys/Admin123@sampledb1 as sysdba"
create or replace directory datapumpdir as 'c:\datapump';
Import the database dump using the command below.

Need to run the below command from Windows dos.. not on sqlplus

impdp "'"sys/Admin123@sampledb1 as sysdba"'" directory=datapumpdir dumpfile=SASchemas.dmp
NOTE:- Change the value of Version parameter depending on the version of your target database.
During the import process you may get the warning ORA-39082: Object type
VIEW:"BISAMPLE"."ODM_SAMP_CUSTOMERS_LTV" created with compilation warnings
This a known warning and can be ignored.

Once the import is completed, connect back to the database using a sysdba user and execute the following sql
To connect use - sqlplus "sys/Admin123@sampledb1 as sysdba"
alter user BISAMPLE identified by BISAMPLE;
alter user OBIEE_NAVTEQ identified by obiee_navteq;
alter user BIFOD identified by BIFOD;
alter user BIBPM identified by BIBPM;
alter user DEV_ODI_REPO identified by DEV_ODI_REPO;
alter user ODI_STAGING identified by ODI_STAGING;

Next connect as obiee_navteq/obiee_navteq@sampledb1 and execute the following insert statements

insert into user_sdo_maps select * from obiee_navteq.my_maps;
insert into user_sdo_themes select * from obiee_navteq.my_themes;
insert into user_sdo_styles select * from obiee_navteq.my_styles;
insert into user_sdo_cached_maps select * from obiee_navteq.my_tile_cache;

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