Saturday, April 6, 2013

Connection Failed Error in OBIEE 11 g Admin tool

Hi Friends,

when you create a New RPD and try to import the metadata  you might get the following error.

Solution : Copy your tnsnames.ora file form




and  Stop and start BI services.

Now you will be able to see the next screen.

Friday, April 5, 2013

OBIEE11g - Stopping and Starting Services from Command Line

OBIEE11g - Stopping and Starting Services from Command Line

In the previous post I showed how to stop/start OBIEE 11g services using Fusion Middleware Control. This post shows how to achieve same using command line.

OBIEE 11g installer creates opmnctl.bat file for each instance. To manage services start command prompt and go to the bin folder of the instance \{MWH}\instances\instance1\bin

Run following command to check the status of all the services running under the instance.

opmnctl status

You can use ias-component name in the output to stop/start individual service.

For example, following command stops presentation service.

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

And following command starts presentation service

opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Following commands can be used to stop/start all services in the instance.

opmnctl stopall   opmnctl startall

OBIEE 11g Debug

OBIEE System Component Log Locations

You have to check the below logs if you have any startup issues for any of your OBIEE components. 
The first step is to check the status of all components using opmnct status -l, if any of the component status is down go to the corresponding
log file for more information.

To individually start components for an example to start the presentation services you would use the below command

opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Similarly to start other components replace the coreapplication_obips1 with correct names.

Presentation Services:


sawlogo.log - Fro any issues related to Presentation Services start/stop
BI Server Component:


nqquery.log - For any issues related OBIEE Analysis & RPD issues
nqserver.log - For any issues related to Server Component start/stop

BI Scheduler Component:


nqscheduler.log - For any issues related to Scheduler Component start/stop
BI Cluster Component:


nqcluster.log - For any issues related to Cluster Component start/stop

Java host Component:


jh.log - For any issues related to Java Host Component start/stop

Weblogic Server Log Locations

BI Managed Server:


bi_server1.out - For any issues related to bi_server1

Admin Server:


AdminServer.log - For any issues related to AdminServer


ORACLE_BIEE_HOME = C:\Oracle\Middleware\obiee11g (This is your root folder where you installed OBIEE 11g)

Please note that by default "instance1" is created but if you tried to install multiple times you might have different name (ex: instance2)
If your instance name is different replace the instance1 with your correct instance name.

Start your Oracle Database

Start Weblogic Node Manager

Steps to Manually Start Oracle BIEE 11g

1. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/startWebLogic.cmd

2. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/startManagedWebLogic.cmd bi_server1

3. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl startall

Steps to Manually Stop Oracle BIEE 11g

1. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl shutdown

2. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/stopManagedWebLogic.cmd bi_server1


Thursday, April 4, 2013

The chosen installation conflicts with software already installed.. Oracle Re Installation

The chosen installation conflicts with software already installed.. Oracle Re Installation

This error occurs because I have already installed the Oracle 11g Database and later I have remove the Oracle 11g Database and restored my registry. But when I again try to install the database, installer found any traces of previous installation somehow and show the error.

I have just change the dbhome_1 to dbhome_2 and problem solved. :)
Installer found the entry of dbhome_1 from anywhere in my system and when again I tried to installed the same home installer showed the error. So I just change the home name.

In the middle of the installation it throws an error...

An Oracle standard DB install issue with OracleMTSRecoveryService

During Oracle 11g DB (standard version) install, I run into an error, "Error in starting the service. The service OracleMTSRecoveryService was not found".

If I check the service panel, i can see this:

I ignored it a few times. Then I decided to take a closer look and found a work around. here is my solution.
When this error box pops up, keep it there. Fire up regedit go to "computer\hkey_local_machine\system\controlset001\service\OracleMTSRecoveryService". Double click on ImagePath, then change the path to where your Oracle is actually installed.

I ignored it a few times. Then I decided to take a closer look and found a work around. here is my solution.
When this error box pops up, keep it there. Fire up regedit go to "computer\hkey_local_machine\system\controlset001\service\OracleMTSRecoveryService". Double click on ImagePath, then change the path to where your Oracle is actually installed.

In my case, the ImagePath has a value of 
C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\omtsreco.exe "OracleMTSRecoveryService"

I had to change it to:
C:\app\myaccount\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\omtsreco.exe "OracleMTSRecoveryService"

then click on "retry". that solved my problem.

Uninstall OBIEE11g from windows box

Deinstalling an Oracle Business Intelligence installation on a single computer involves the following tasks:
  1. Run the deinstall script and select the Deinstall instances managed by a WebLogic domain option.
  2. Stop all Oracle Business Intelligence processes and servers, including all OPMN-controlled components and JEE components.
  3. Drop the Metadata Services (MDS) and Business Intelligence Platform (BIPLATFORM) schemas using RCU.
  4. Run the deinstall script and select the Deinstall the Oracle home option.
  5. Deinstall the Oracle Common home manually or by running the deinstall script that it contains.
  6. Use the Oracle WebLogic Server uninstaller to uninstall WebLogic Server.
  7. Remove the Oracle home (if necessary).
  8. Remove the Middleware home and any other homes (Domain home, Applications home, and Instance home) that might have been installed outside of the Middleware home.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Installation of OBIEE 11g invloves 4 steps and Pre-requisites for Installing OBIEE 11g

Installation of OBIEE invloves 4 steps:
1) Installation of Loopback adopter
2) Installation of database
3) Installation of RCU (Repository Creation Utility)
4) Installation of OBIEE software

Pre-requisites for Installing OBIEE 11g

Pre installation Steps in Windows 7
1) Java:
Ensure java jdk( V 1.6 and above ) is installed.
Point to Note
Jdk should be installed in a folder without space, say like "C:/Java/"
DONT install java in "C:/Program Files/Java"; the reason is that the Space(" ") between the  word "Program files" will cause error while installing OBIEEv11g
IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED JAVA under "PROGRAM FILES" Uninstall it and Reinstall the same
After Installation:
Add JAVA_HOME in your environment variables.
In Windows7, Right Click "My Computer"-> Properties->Advanced tab ->Environment Variables
Click the New button and add VARIABLE NAME as "JAVA_HOME" and variable path as
If you have installed java in "C:/" use "C:/JAVA/JDK;" path variable

2) In Windows, Install Loopback adapter, Follow the below link to install the loopback adapter in windows 7.
After Installation:
You will see a network icon in systray. Click on that and go to "Open Network Connection" Click
on the installed Loopback Adapter Properties and Under General Tab,
Click on the Internet Protocal Ip4 and Click on the properties.
IN the PopUp under General tab give for IP Address and for subnet mask provide
You can give any IP address here. But Oracle follows Lets religiously follow what Oracle does ;)
Adding This Static IP to your windows Host
Start->search for Notepad-> RIght click and open as Administrator
Once you are in Open the following file "C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts" Add the following at the end of file : localhost
Save & Close the file.
This Step is important because after obiee11g installation we would access the url by "<port>/analytics"
We are installing loopback adapter to create a static IP rather than to Create a dynamic IP which would keep changing whenever you connect to your ISP.
3) Install Oracle Database
You can either go for oracle 10g or 11g. Any database is fine, But its recommended to use oracle
11g DB to realise the full potential features of Database and OBIEE.
Note: While Installing Please provide the AL32UTF8 Unicode Character set. Else while installing
RCU below error will be shown :
"The database you are connecting is with non-AL32UTF8 Character set. oracle strongly
recommends using of AL32UTF8 as database character set."
4) Download & Install Repository Creation Utility - RCU

5) After all these steps; OBIEE 11g should be installed

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Stop and Start OBIEE 11g Linux / WIndows

Stop and Start OBIEE11g on Linux

Start the OBIEE 11g on windows

list of stop / start commands for each of the system components:

BI Service:
opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obis1
opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obis1

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obijh1
opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obijh1

Presentation Service:
opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1
opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Scheduler Service:
opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obisch1
opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obisch1

Cluster Service:
opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obiccs1
opmnctl stopproc ias-component=coreapplication_obiccs1


Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control


Oracle Business Intelligence


Oracle Weblogic Server Administration Console



Locations of Repository and Catalog in BI 11g:
We can get the rpd and catalog which we have developed from below folders.
RPD Location Path:
Catalog Location Path:
OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent \coreapplication_obips1\catalog

OBIEE 11g Log Locations:

Catalog Path


Repository Path


Instanceconfig.xml ----> file path


NQSConfig.INI file path :


Install OBIEE11g samples from OTN

Download the Sample Application from

SampleApp V107 Install Files

Link to deployment guide:-

Restoring Database Dumps
In this section, we will use Oracle data pump to import the definition and data for several database schemas. If any of these schemas exist, they must be dropped before you begin the import. In case they cannot be dropped, the schemas may be imported into different schema names using schema mapping options available for impdp command. If the schema names and/or passwords are changed, it will require additional corrections and configurations in SampleApp RPD.

Schema Password Remarks

BISAMPLE BISAMPLE Main schema that houses data for SampleApp analyses
OBIEE_NAVTEQ obiee_navteq NAVTEQ copyrighted data used for map views
BIFOD BIFOD OLTP 3NF model for FOD (Oracle Fusion Order Demo) data model.
BPM (SOA) Business Process Monitoring model to show how BIEE semantic
layer can deliver analytics on BPM context
DEV_ODI_REPO DEV_ODI_REPO This supports the SampleApp Oracle Data Integrator content
ODI_STAGING ODI_STAGING This supports the SampleApp Oracle Data Integrator content

From you SampleApp installation files, copy \DataSources\ORCL\SASCHEMAS.dmp file to the machine where Oracle
database 11gR2 is up and running
Unzip this file to a folder on the database server, say “C:\datapump\”
Connect to database using a sysdba user and create a directory object to import the database dump. Change the data
base connection parameters (highlighted in red) to reflect your connection settings.
sqlplus "sys/Admin123@sampledb1 as sysdba"
create or replace directory datapumpdir as 'c:\datapump';
Import the database dump using the command below.

Need to run the below command from Windows dos.. not on sqlplus

impdp "'"sys/Admin123@sampledb1 as sysdba"'" directory=datapumpdir dumpfile=SASchemas.dmp
NOTE:- Change the value of Version parameter depending on the version of your target database.
During the import process you may get the warning ORA-39082: Object type
VIEW:"BISAMPLE"."ODM_SAMP_CUSTOMERS_LTV" created with compilation warnings
This a known warning and can be ignored.

Once the import is completed, connect back to the database using a sysdba user and execute the following sql
To connect use - sqlplus "sys/Admin123@sampledb1 as sysdba"
alter user BISAMPLE identified by BISAMPLE;
alter user OBIEE_NAVTEQ identified by obiee_navteq;
alter user BIFOD identified by BIFOD;
alter user BIBPM identified by BIBPM;
alter user DEV_ODI_REPO identified by DEV_ODI_REPO;
alter user ODI_STAGING identified by ODI_STAGING;

Next connect as obiee_navteq/obiee_navteq@sampledb1 and execute the following insert statements

insert into user_sdo_maps select * from obiee_navteq.my_maps;
insert into user_sdo_themes select * from obiee_navteq.my_themes;
insert into user_sdo_styles select * from obiee_navteq.my_styles;
insert into user_sdo_cached_maps select * from obiee_navteq.my_tile_cache;

Error while importing the Meta Data after Installing BI Admin Tool


I have installed OBIEE 11g Server in my local machine which is lying on windows 7 environment. 

I tried improting the meta data using BI Admin Tool, it throws ' The Connection has failed' error.


Copied the TNSNAMES.ora file ( path C: /app/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora)


C:/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_b11/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and 

In the second path, admin folder was not there.. We need to create a folder manually and copy the tnsnames.ora file.

Its works fine..

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Issue while Installing OBIEE 11g RCU

Directories that rcu file storing shouldn’t contain spaces in it.

Here is the path that i stored rcu installer.
There is space in OBIEE between OBIEE & number.
 There is oracle note that there shouldn’t be any spaces in directories that containing rcu installer.
Remedy: Remove space in directory then try run rcu.bat

Make sure the DEV_BIPLATFORM and DEV_MDS users have the same password and that their accounts aren’t locked after running the RCU.
Despite what Oracle would have you believe it seems the DBA role is not required and nor are SYSDBA nor SYSOPER privileges.

OBIEE 11g Admin Tool Uninstallation

Uninstall OBIEE 11g client (Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool)

Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): client interface

To start the OBIEE 11g client uninstall process, you will go to
start -> All Programs -> Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client -> Change Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client Installation

This you can see in the following picture:
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): start uninstall process
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): start uninstall process

You will see the following screen:
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): uninstall options
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): uninstall options

You will choose "Uninstall Product" and after that you will press on "Next". You will see the following screen:
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): start to uninstall the OBIEE 11g client
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client): start to uninstall the OBIEE 11g client

Press on "Next" and you will see the following screen:
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client):  uninstalling the OBIEE 11g client
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client):  uninstalling the OBIEE 11g client

When the OBIEE 11g client will be uninstalled you will see the following screen:
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client):  Uninstall Complete
Uninstall Oracle BI Administration Tool (OBIEE 11g client):  Uninstall Complete